
Monday, August 24, 2020

Letter to my Nana and Papa.

WALT talk about what we are learning about sound.

I wanted to share with my family what I was learning about sound


Dear Nan and Papa, 

We have been learning about sound.  

In the beginning of our study we did not know very much about sound.

We asked questions like what is sound?How is sound made? How do we hear sound? and what makes sounds louder and quieter? Now we know more about sound. We tried some experiments and watched some videos and learned a lot more than we knew in the beginning of our study. We also know more about how sounds are created when something vibrates. We also learned when a bell is struck, the metal vibrates. Sound always needs to travel through some kind of medium, such as air, water, or metal. In space, where there is no air, sound waves do not have anything to travel through and the bell would not be heard. Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations. When any object vibrates, it causes movement in the air particles. These particles bump into the particles close to them, which makes them vibrate too, causing them to bump into more air particles. This movement, called sound waves, keeps going until they run out of energy. If your ear is close to the vibrations, you hear the sound.  When the vibrations are fast, you hear a high note. When the vibrations are slow, it makes a low note. Sound is like light, sound travels through the air in waves. Sound is made by air molecules vibrating. When you clap your hands, the air around your hands shakes. This is the air molecules vibrating.  Once in your ear, the vibrations travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum.  The eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bones (the hammer, the anvil and the stirrup) into the inner ear. The inner ear is shaped like a snail and is called the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, there are thousands of tiny hair cells. They send messages to the brain. The brain tells you that you are hearing a sound and what that sound is. If you put your finger on your voice box you will feel buzzing sounds. 


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